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The Future of Contracting with AI

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Digitalisation of Contracting

Simple and fast up to 100% automated and 100% compliant:

An efficient and legally compliant contract conclusion is crucial for companies. However, manual contract creation requires a lot of time and resources, and legal certainty is not always guaranteed. Additionally, there is less and less personnel available for increasingly complex tasks.

This is where the UNOY contract flow comes into play.

Save time and money, comply with regulations, and delight your staff.

Start now for free!

With UNOY, you have a comprehensive solution. It provides a variety of pre-defined KAPPS for various construction applications. With the UNOY app builder, you can quickly map scenarios along the entire organization and update them in real-time at any time.

UNOY KAPPs tailored for your needs

  • Create contracts based on your specific needs and CI
  • Cover the complete workflow from data collection to approval
  • Stay 100% compliant with legal and professional boundaries
  • Confidential information and data are protected by encryption

Contract Flow KAPP

  • Automating contract creation and management saves companies time and resources.
  • The UNOY contract flow ensures that created contracts comply with applicable legal regulations.
  • Automation reduces the risk of errors that can occur with manual contract creation.
  • Using the UNOY contract flow allows companies to better plan and control their expenses.

Ready to use

  • The UNOY contract flow offers structured data transfer for seamless integration into target systems.
  • Our AI assistant enables easy and structured data capture of your contract partner.
  • Define and automate approval processes with our contract flow.
  • Ensure contracts are reviewed and approved by responsible persons before finalization.

Connect UNOY with other no-code solutions

Integrate your existing workflow

  • Our contract flow is scalable and ready to use, whether you need to create a few or many contracts.
  • It offers comprehensive rights management, allowing you to specify who has access to which contracts and functions.
  • The AI assistant enables 100% automated contract creation, saving you time and minimizing the risk of human errors.
  • Captured contract data can be seamlessly transferred into your target systems, ensuring efficient data processing.

Digitalisation of your contract operation with AI

The UNOY contract flow allows for easy capture of contract data (contract subject) and the contract partner. Relevant clauses are typically selected automatically using AI. Approval processes are then automated to ensure that contracts are reviewed and approved by the responsible persons before they are finalized. The contract flow also supports signature cycles to ensure that all required parties sign the contract before it is concluded.

In contract creation, it is important to consider legal requirements. The UNOY contract flow ensures that created contracts comply with applicable legal regulations. It offers comprehensive rights management and access control to ensure that only authorized persons can access the contracts. If needed, UNOY can also provide a professional review of the contracts to ensure they are legally correct and can be optimized.

  • Time-saving
  • Resource-saving
  • Legal compliance
  • Error reduction
  • Standardized processes
  • Predefined clauses
  • Expense control
  • Data transfer
  • AI assistant
  • Data capture
  • Approval processes
  • Scalability
  • Rights management
  • Automated creation
  • Up-to-date templates
  • Seamless integration
  • API interface
  • Monthly fixed price
  • Employee support
  • Legal review
  • Quick implementation

Advancing digitalisation in any organization: Learning from other industries

The UNOY contract flow can be used for a variety of contract types. One example is the vehicle purchase contract flow, which automates the entire vehicle purchase contract process for a car dealership. This ensures that all relevant information is captured and correctly inserted into the contract. Another example is the rental contract flow for a property management company, which simplifies the creation of rental contracts and ensures that all legal requirements are met.

100% Compliance

The UNOY contract flow ensures contracts comply with legal requirements.

Client Onboarding 24/7 for law, tax and compliance
100% Efficiency

Automating contract creation and management saves companies time and resources, ensuring a quick and smooth processing of contracts.

As much (or as little) help as you want.

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By 2024, organisations that have adopted an intelligent composable approach will outpace competition by 80% in the speed of new feature implementation.

— Gartner, Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Low-Code Application Platforms

UNOY gives you the simplicity of no-code but the power of a development team.

UNOY gives you the simplicity of no-code but the power of a development team.

UNOY gives you the simplicity of no-code but the power of a development team.

UNOY gives you the simplicity of no-code but the power of a development team.

UNOY gives you the simplicity of no-code but the power of a development team.